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house / baby

etched on 03/02/2004 at 10:02 a.m.

We made some decisions over the weekend that I�m pretty excited about. We are going to be moving, and we already know where to.

We had decided a couple of weeks ago that we wanted to try and find a larger house, and we talked about the possibility of renting this one out. It�s the perfect size and price for a rental, and we�d make a little bit of extra money on it. So, J called M, LML�s husband. They already own like nine or ten houses that they rent out, so we thought he could give a us few pointers on getting the process started. Well, by the end of three or four conversations between the two of them, they worked on some numbers and we are going to buy M and LML�s house from them.

They�ve been looking for a house for a while now, and they think they found one that�s going to work out, so, we�ll be buying theirs. The thing that makes it so great is that we would normally NEVER be able to afford a house the size or quality of theirs. It�s just way beyond our price rang. They are just completely blessing us by selling it to us at a price where basically they get no profit whatsoever.

I�m so grateful, and so excited. I�ve already begun to plan things out in my mind, like how I want to paint and where I�m going to put certain furniture. I�m not really looking forward to the moving part of it, but I am looking forward to being in a house we can stay in for several years, without worrying about growing out of it.

It won�t be a finalized thing until May at the soonest, because we have to wait until they close on their new house and then do our closing, but I�ll wait six months if I have to, if it means getting that house. I�m so excited!!!!

Ok, that�s enough rambling about that. On to something else. My dad and brother came over last Thursday. My dad needed to use our computer because their internet is out right now. So, my brother was back in D�s bedroom playing with the boys, and I was in here (the living room) talking to my dad while he was on the computer. All of a sudden I hear this huge CLUNK, and L starts screaming. I go running in there, and pick up the poor baby, asking what�s happened. My bro tells me that both of the boys were on the bed, and that D was jumping on it. Ok, we have a rule in this house that you don�t jump on beds, or even stand up on beds. Well, my bro is 20, and he�s a guy, so he didn�t think about that being dangerous. Basically, D was jumping on the bed and L got knocked off into the bookshelf that is at the foot of said bed. He hit the bookshelf face first. Now there�s a long bruise, accompanied by a scrape, that runs at an angle from his forehead, down across his nose, and onto his cheek. He looked so sad. It�s getting better now.

Anyway, I said all that to tell you that when we were at church on Sun., the lady that keeps L�s class there made a comment to me that made me feel like she thought something suspicious was going on. She said something like, �Poor baby. He seems to be getting himself bumbed and bruised a lot.� But it wasn�t even what she said, so much as how she said it. I mean, come on. The kid is a year and a half old. He can�t walk as steadily as you or me. Plus he has a three year old brother. I�m sorry if he falls and bumps his head every once in a while. What am I supposed to do? Keep him from running around and playing? Ok, that�s my rant about that. I was just so ticked that that woman suggested that. I love my kids more than anything in the world.

That�s it for now. Sorry it got kind of long.


random note: I made a new layout yesterday, and I can�t decide if I want to go ahead and change it now, or wait and use the Liv one for a while longer. ::sigh:: decisions decisions

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