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Been a While

etched on 05/21/2004 at 1:08 p.m.

I know. It's been forever. Sorry. Things have just been completely crazy. I don't even know where to start. I'll give you some of it now, and probably come back later to add more.

First off, my friend doing my hair? Complete success!! It looks great. I'm kinda missing my bright red streaks, but J reeeaaalllly loves the caramel colored highlights now. For like the first couple of weeks, he couldn't stop telling me how great it looked. That is incredibly unusual for him. So, needless to say, I'll keep it for a while. Maybe the summer. I'll probably go back to the red in the fall/winter though. I would post pics if I had a digital camera, but at the moment it's not possible. I may be getting a scanner soon though, so I'll put some up then, if I do.

The whole house situation has been completely streesing me out. We ended up deciding not to get our friends' house. It was just too much for us to do financially. We made an offer and signed a contract last night for a different one. I'm excited though. It's almost twice the size of this one, so we can stay there for a while and not have to worry about growing out of it anytime soon. I'll try to get pics of that up too, when I can.

In the mean time, we're trying to rent out the house that we're in, and it's driving me nuts. I'm cleaning like ten times a day jsut so it's ready wehn someone may want to come look at it. Like I said. . .STRESS. Hopefully it'll all be over within the next month though. I'm ready to relax.

I know this isn't a very interesting one, just a little update. I'll be back later today or tomorrow with more.



Random note: Someone please tell me! Could Orlando be any sexier?!?! *sigh* I know. I'm sick. Sue me.

I'm feeling a little The current mood of btrflyLove at www.imood.com

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