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etched on 2/21/04 at 12:42 p.m.

Today I was supposed to get up and take J to work, but it didn�t quite happnen. I slept zero on Thurs night, and then had about a 45 min nap yesterday afternoon. So, you would think that I would be ready for some serious snoozing last night. Nope. I didn�t get to sleep til bout 3:30 � 4am. So, needless to say, when J tried to wake me up this morning. Mrs Hyde came out. So that means that we can�t go to E�s birthday party at the firestation, and I have to tell D that he wont get to see the firetrucks. He was so excited this morning when he got up. Asking about going to the party. ::sigh:: I�m such a terrible mother.

L has been working on getting his molars in for the past couple of weeks. So far 3 have cut through and one more is ready to any second. It has NOT been fun. He�s finally getting over the upper resp. thing that he had for like 3 weeks. Thank God! I almost started to worry that it may be something serious, but he�s ok now.

I went and got the Roswell S1 dvd at Walmart. � Random sidenote: Ran into one of my old roommates while there. Haven�t seen her in like 2 years, and the last time I did see her, I ran into her in walmart. Weird. It was nice to see her. - But, anyway, the dvd. I�ve watched half of them so far. It�s so nice to reminisce. The whole music thing was a bit distracting though. Oh well. At least we got the dvds.

Well, I think I figured out the layout thing. I don�t know enough to actually make one from scratch, so I borrowed code from a template and changed the colors up a bit and put the images together that I wanted to use, so that they matched. I�m pretty happy with how it turned out. Please let me know what you think. I don�t know how long I�ll keep it. I tend to get bored pretty quickly, but I worked hard on it, so you may have to look at it for a while. Go visit the links in my inspiration section. One is where I copied the template, one is where I got the idea, and the other is where I got the pics.

I�m still working on everything else. Have to put together a links section. Haven�t joined any rings yet. I�ll probably add a couple of diaries to my favs of people that don�t really know me (yet ::wink::), but I read their site every now and then. Some are people that I know their names from Roswell stuff and they just have awesome sites.

If you�re reading, please leave a note or sign my book. I�d love to know who�s out there.

I guess that�s it for now. I�m off to mess around with this site.



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