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bad hair

etched on 04/09/2004 at 12:27 p.m.

Wow, things have been crazy around here. Last week I had an extra toddler from Tues. - Sat. JC and her husband went out of town, and we kept CeCe for them. Needless to say, that was quite an interesting week. At least now I know kind of what it would be like if we dicided to have another one. Plus is was fun to have a little girl around. It was just busy.

Since we've decided to buy a house, we've been scraping to save every penny. This means making some sacrifices on things that are more luxury thaan need. For this reason I've had to stop going to a professional to get my hair cut and colored. That wouldn't be such a big deal for a normal 26 year old person, but for me it SUCKS. I am probably about fifty percent gray under all that hair dye and highlights.

Anyway, so I figured no big deal. I'll just do it my self, like I did years ago, and only spend about ten dollars on it. Well, as each month goes by, I realize that that couldn't be further from the truth. It is a big deal. My hair now looks like a two-toned mut parked itself on top of my head. I haven't had it cut in three or four months either. I've even resorted to hiding in the house and only going out when absolutely nessecary. Or only going out when it's somewhere that I can wear a hat or bandana. I've been completly sick about it. Wow, do I sound completely shallow right now, or what? Oh well.

So, my whole point of telling you all of that is. . . . it's all getting fixed TODAY! YAY! One of my good friends just graduated from beauty school, and called me up and said, "What's your schedule? I'm coming to do you hair." I sputtered.... "Huh? Wha? You're what?" She laughed at me. I couldn't believe it. So she's coming over this afternoon to cut and color my hair. All I have to pay for is the color. Ten bucks. SHe told me to never use a box color again. hahaha. She's going to come over and do it for me from now on. And when her time of being an assistent at the salon she works at is over, she'll be a full fledged stylist/colorist. When that happens, I get to go to the salon for free! This whole thing just totally ROCKS my socks!!


random note: Only 34 more days until Troy comes out!! ::happy dance::

I'm feeling a little The current mood of btrflyLove at www.imood.com

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